This is a listing of the 1769 census in Dobbs County. I have transcribed the names EXACTLY as they appear on the census records. This census transcription is complete and as accurate as the original census takers wrote it down. Any errors or omissions are not on my part. © 2008-2010
Diane Siniard. These pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization.
Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. You may however use the information in your own research.
Thomas Abbott James Adair Andrew Addams Thomas Aldridge Benjamin Alford William Alford Robert Allen John Andrews Thomas Andrews William Andrews John Apple William Arandal John Argo John Atkinson Ambrose Avis Charles Aycock Thomas Aycock William Aycock William Ayler Nathan Baggett Abraham Baker Elijah Baker John Baker Sr Rubin Baker James Bale Henry Ball Mark Ball Moses Ball Elias Ballard John Ballard John Ballard Jr Ennis Bann John Bard George Bardin Jacob Bardin James Bardin Jesse Bardin John Barefoot James Barfield Richard Barfield Richard Barfield Jr Sarah Barfield Thomas Barfield William BArfield Elias Barganon John Barley Thomas Barley John Barnes Samuel Barnes James Barnet William Barnet Simon Barns Joshua Barit David Barron William Barron Simon Barrow Taylor Barrow John Barrs Joshua Barwick William Barwick James Basil Aaron Bass Andrew Bass John Bass Matthew Bass Richard Bass Wright Bass Mary Batchelor William Batchelor Woody Batcher Daniel Bates James Bavi Francis Bazel William Belfare George Bell John Bell William Bell William Bell Jr Thomas Bennett William Bennett John Bennit Marlin Benson William Bentley Aaron Benton Francis Benton Francis Benton Jr Joseph Benton John Berrydon Benjamin Best Benjamin Bett William Bett Sr John Bird Joshua Bird Nathaniel Bird Richard Bird Richard Bird Jr John Bizzell Thomas Bizzell Stephen Blackman James Blunt Moses Boget William Bond Cornelius Boon Thomas Boon Boresd Bordin John Borfield Ralph Bowman Arthur Boyce William Boyer Absolam Boyit Dread Boyit Edward Boyit Edward Boyit Jr George Boyit James Boyit Josiah Boyit Thomas Boyit Jr Thomas Boyit Sr Drewry Boyken Benjamin Boykin Thomas Boykin Thomas Bracker James Bradberry Shadrach Bradford John Bradley William Bradley Arthur Branch John Branch Randall Branch Thomas Branch William Branch John Brand Jr Richard Branwell Richard Branwell Jr William Branwell Benjamin Braton Jr William Brazil William breeton Benjamin Breton Sr John Brewer James Bright Simon Bright Simon Bright Sr George Brinson Simon Britt James Broadaway Joseph Brock Jesse Brookes John Brookes John Brookes Jr Bridgman Brookins George Brotbury James Brown Janson Brown Jeremiah Brown John Brown Thomas Brown John Bruten David Bryant John Bryant Samuel Buchannon William Budger James Bunn William Burck Thomas Burk John Burley Abraham Bush Bib Bush Bibby Bush Richard Bush Thomas Butcher Elisha Butler James Butts Lewis Byers Stephen Cade Waddell Cade James Cahoon James Caleste George Calor John Calor James Cannon William Caps Thomas Caraway Adam Carraway Barret Carraway Elijah Carraway Henry Carraway John Carraway John Carraway Jr Joshua Carraway Thomas Carraway Edward Carter Elizabeth Carter James Carter John Carter Micajah Casey Benjamin Caswell Martin Caswell Richard Caswell Moses Childs James Clark John Clark William Clark Robert Clemmon Cowzins Clemmons Jesse Cobb Stephen Cobb David Codgell Francis Codgell Margaret Codgell Nathaniel Coker Robert Coker Solomon Coker Thomas Coker John Cole William Cole John Collier James Collings John Collins Daniel Conner Francis Conner Lewis Conner Benjamin Cook Elimilech Cook Jonas Cook William Cook Spencer Cordwell Benjamin Cotten Ephraim Cotton John Cotton John Court Francis Coventon Edward Coward Edward Coward Jr Elisha Coward Ezekiel Coward James Coward John Coward Nathaniel Coward Needham Coward William Coward Andrew Cox John Cox John Cox Jr Marmin Cox Micajah Cox Moses Cox Richard Cox Solomon Cox Thomas Cox Arthur Coxe Thomas Coxe Thomas Coxe Jr John Craftchans Hardy Crawford Robert Crawford William Crawford John Creal Benjamin Creech Jr Benjamin Creech Sr John Creech Jesse Croom Major Croom Isaac Crow William Crow Toney Cuffand Benjamin Curl William Curlee Thomas Dale William Dale Isaac Daniels James Daniels john Daniels Nathaniel Daniels Thomas Daniels Benjamin Davis James Davis James Davis Jr John Davis Joseph Davis Josiah Davis Mary Davis Ralph Davis Samson Davis Thomas Davis Hinds Dawson Joel Dawson Joseph Dawson William Dawson Richard Dean David Denny Joel Dickinson Shadrack Dickinson James Dinkins Jeremiah Dismond John Dismond Murphy Dixon Barefoot Dock John Dock Jacob Dolree Thomas Dolree John Dougherty Elisha Downing George Downing Joseph Downing John Drew Jacob Duck Jacob Dunn Samuel Dunn Susannah Dunn John Durdins John Durdins Jr Richard Durdins William Durdins
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