This is a listing of the 1769 census in Dobbs County. I have transcribed the names EXACTLY as they appear on the census records. This census transcription is complete and as accurate as the original census takers wrote it down. Any errors or omissions are not on my part. © 2008-2010
Diane Siniard. These pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization.
Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. You may however use the information in your own research.
Henry Edmonds Benjamin Edwards John Edwards Thomas Edwards Thomas Edwards Jr Jacob Elliott John Elliott Absolam Ellis Joel Ellis William Ellis Robert Elva Joseph English Francis Ervin John Ervin Richard Ervin Robert Ervin David Evans Isam Evans John Evans Joseph Everit James Falkner John Fanning Mills Farfeet John Farrell John Faulk Richard Faulk Moses Faulks William Fellow James Ferguson Joseph Ferguson Brittle Fields David Fife James Floyd John Floyd Samuel Floyd Thomas Floyd Moses Foamhide Abner Foot Thomas Foot William Forcecloth William Forcecloth Jr James Foreham Francis Fountain Jr John Fulgum Michael Fulgum Rayford Fulgum James Gardner Lewis Gradner John Garland Joseph German Frederick Gibble Timothy Goodman Henry Goodsman Thomas Grace John Graddy William Graddy John Granger Thomas Granger William Grant Edward Grantham James Grantham John Grantham John Grantham Jr Joshua grantham Thomas Grantham William Grantham John Gray Lodwick Gray Silvences Gray Joseph Green Benjamin Griffin Major Griffin Major Griffin Simon Griffin George Grimes Jacob Grise Benjamin Hale Edward Hale Hall Hale Thomas Hale Burwell James Hall John Hall Pool Hall Henry Ham William Ham William Ham Jr Guy Hamilton Robert Hamilton John Handley John Hanes Epaphroditus Hanks John Hanks Jr Matthew Hanks James Hanly John Harding Benjamin Hardy Emanuel Hardy Thomas Hardy Peter Hargate Alexander Harper Francis Harper George Harper John Harper William Harper Joseph Harrell Thomas Harrington James Harris Joseph Harris John Harrison Okey Harrison Richard Hart Paul Hartfield John Hartsfield Abraham Haze George Haze Samuel Hearon Daniel Hedgepeth John Henderson James Herbert Richard Herd Elizabth heritage ]John Heritage James Herman Arnwell Heron John Herrell George Herriman Ann Herring Arthur Herring Benjamin Herring Frederick Herring Jacob herring James Herring John Herring Joseph Herring Joshua Herring Matthew Herring Michael Herring Simon Herring Solomon Herring Thomas Herring Antony Herron William Hicks Vaughan Hilburn Edward Hill Francis Hill Robert Hill William Hill Francis Hillard Charles Hinds Isaac Hinds James Hinds Rubin Hinds Solomon Hinds William Hinds Aaron Hinson Jesse Hinson Joseph Hinson Moses Hinson John Hobbs Francis Hodges Francis Hodges Sr John Hodges Joshua Hodges Richard Hodges Benjamin Holdon David Holdon Elisha Holland Henry Holland James Holland John Holland Moses Holland Thomas Holland Samuel Holliman Simon Homel Jr Charles Homes Charles Homes Jr Edward Homes James Homes John Homes Thomas Homes Timothy Homes William Hood Thomas Hooke Haymark Hooker William Hooker Jacob Hookes William Hooks Andrew Hopkins James Hopkins Robert Hopkins Charles Hopton Jr Charles Hopton Sr John Hotson John Hotson Jr Joshua House William Houston Samuel Howard Daniel Howel John Howel Osborn Howel Thomas Howel William Howel John Howell Joshua Howell William Howell John Hudles Thomas Hughs Chambers Humphrey Miles Hutchins Robert Hutchins
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