This is a listing of the 1769 census in Dobbs County. I have transcribed the names EXACTLY as they appear on the census records. This census transcription is complete and as accurate as the original census takers wrote it down. Any errors or omissions are not on my part. © April 2008
Diane Siniard. These pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization.
Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. You may however use the information in your own research.
Jacob Ingram David Jernigan Isabel Jernigan Jesse Jernigan Joshua Jernigan Thomas Jernigan James John Moses John Isaiah Johnson Jacob Johnson James Johnson John Johnson Joseph Johnson Mary Johnson Martin Johnston Isreal Joiner David Jones Frederick Jones Griffin Jones Hardy jones James Jones Jesse Jones John Jones Richard Jones Samuel Jones Theophilus Jones William Jones Charles Jordan Frederick Jordan James Jordan John Jordan Joseph Jordan John Keatley Joseph Kelley John Kennady Gilbert Kerr Moses Kerr Andrew Killet William Killet William Kilpatrick Thomas Kinney Samuel Kinsey Humphrey Kirby Abraham Lamb Hardy Lamb Jacob Lamb Isom Lane Jethro Lane Thomas Lane Absalom Langeston George Langeston Jacob Langeston Mace Langeston Francis Lanston James Lawson James Lawson Jr John Lawson James Lawton John Lawton Arthur Lee David lee James Lee Lazarus Lee Needham Lee Timothy lee Anthony Lewis Jacob Lewis James Lewis Stephen Lewis James Lindsay John Lindsay John Linton Isaac Little James Little Thomas Little Daniel Lofly Bennie Loftin Elknah Loftin Francis Loftin John Loftin Leonard Loftin David Lovet John Lovet Jr Moses Lovet Cornelius Lynch
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