This is a listing of the 1782 tax list in Dobbs County. I have transcribed the names EXACTLY as they appear on the census records. This census transcription is complete and as accurate as the original census takers wrote it down. Any errors or omissions are not on my part. © April 2008
Diane Siniard. These pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization.
Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. You may however use the information in your own research.
Daniel Quillen Joseph Ratcliff William Ratcliff John Reddick William Reddick Jr William Reddick Sr Jacob Rhem Zachariah Rice James Roberts Samuel Roberts Thomas Roberts Jacob Rodes William Rogers Jesse Rouse John Rouse Simon Rouse Moses Sanders Richard Sanders Benjamin Skinner James Skinner Jesse Skinner William Skinner Sr Samuel Sifton? Abel Smith Alexander Smith David Smith Joseph Smith Richard Smith William Smith Elkanah Softin Charles Spence John Spence Oneal Spence William Spence Caleb Spivey Ephraim Spivey Absalom Stevens Hester Stringer Simon Stroud Edward Surls Robert Surls William Surls Ann Widow of John Sutton Benjamin Sutton John Sutton Thomas Sutton Daniel Taylor Henry Taylor Hillery Taylor Isaac Taylor John Taylor Joseph Taylor William Taylor Peter Telfair John Thigpen John Thomas William Thomas Jacob Thompson Thomas Thompson Joseph Tighman Moses Tilghman Joshua Tindall John Titterton William Titterton Simon Totewine Levi Trewhitt William Trewhitt John Tucker William Tucker John Tull William Tull James Turnage John Tuton William Tuton
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