This information is contributed by Sloan Mason DEPOSITION-Court Record: John ROUSE vs. James SKIPPER 1 Aug. 1791-Dobbs County, N.C. Copied by Martha Mewborn Marble, with permission of " Heritage Place" at Lenoir Community College. Abstracted by Sloan S. Mason File: ROUSE: 18863-40 Donated by Joseph EVANS State of North Carolina The Deposition of John ROUSE addressed His Excellency the Governor sets forth that some years past he purchased a tract of land patented by Theopholus BAXTOR, also a Tract of land patented by James SANDOR?, lying in the County of Dobbs on Ground Nut Creek which lands were ever supposed to have joined each other that he hath and those under whom he claims have for many years been greatly and peaceably possessed thereof that about three years passed he rented a part of the aforesaid lands to James SKIPPER who hath since run out the said land on the most private manner under a warrant for a tract of land entered by Nathan BIRD on the other side of the Creek, when in fact your Deponent actually entered the land and on buying? the lines the Surveyor could find no vacant land, he therefore prays your Excellency to Suspend the Execution of the Grant until a trial be had thereon agreeable to Law. Sworn to this 9th May 1791 before J. GLASGOW, SS. Signed: John ROUSE State of North Carolina I hereby suspend the Execution of the Grant of the within described land which please? To certify to the County Court of Dobbs that a trial be had between the parties according to Law. Given under my hand the 7th Day of Aug. 1791. To the Hon'ble James GLASGOW, Esqr. Secr. Of State Alex. MARTIN END OF DOCUMENT |